Well the days are counting down things are getting pretty crazy right now. Made our last trip to the temple as a district this morning and possibly my last temple trip for a couple of years. We had to sit in in field orientation for 9 hours yesterday, it was the absolute worst. We just are sort of getting ready to leave. As you can probably imagine, our room is spick and span;) I'll try and do more puncuation, but sometimes you just have the creative juices flowing, ya know what I mean. My companion is our travel leader for our group and the only thing he has been talking about since we got our travel plans is that we are going to Chipotle and that he is getting a bunch of crap to eat on the plane ride there. (haha its pretty funny). I've been enjoying the voice recorder. I like having an audio journal makes me feel like I'm in an interview. Thanks for that also. I'm doing good and am ready to get out of the MTC and head to Nicaragua. We got to talk with our new mission president. He gets to Nicaragua on the 28th. He is a pretty cool dude. Love you guys and have a good week.
Days are counting down. It is getting pretty crazy. We basically have about eight days left and then we head off to Nicaragua. I saw Rosemary at the temple. Funny language mistake of the week: My companion said, "Tenemos un mesaje sobre jesucristo." Which is, "We have a MASSAGE about Jesus Christ." Instead of, "tenemos mensaje sobre jesucristo." Which is, "We have a MESSAGE about Jesus Christ." So, that was pretty funny. We got our travel plans on Friday. I will upload a picture of it. There is a return flight in case my visa doesn't go through. So hopefully it does. (ha ha) Sunday was Fast Sunday. Not looking forward to dying in that heat in Nicaragua. We memorized the first vision and one of our teachers makes us do wall sits while we say it one word at a time. Elder Bednar came and spoke to us. That was pretty cool. We sang in the choir and sang a song Elder Bednar wrote and it should be published in the New Era next month, so, look for it. It is called, "One by One." I was the first group to sing it ever. Pretty special, it was a good talk.
We got to talk to one of the new mission presidents from Argentina and he didn't speak English very well, but we could still understand him so hopefully that is how it will be in Nicaragua for me when I get there. (ha ha). My companion is from Maryland, Baltimore area. We were supposed to Skype someone from Nicaragua on Thursday for a TRC appointment but they cancelled, so we talked to someone from Spain. I could understand mostly what she was saying. I will get to call while I am at the airport they said. It is crazy that we are basically done at the MTC. The days go by slow, but the weeks go by pretty fast. Our diligent scripture ready yielded Proverbs 21:19: "It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman." Sound words of wisdom and you all should try and work that into your next talks. Love, Elder Thackeray
Well, everything is still going good here at the MTC. Our zone leaders left early Monday morning. We should get an email from them saying how hot it is down in Nicaragua. They are all going to the South mission. When they left, they gave a cool hat, some Nerf guns, a rubber band ball and some other stuff. (haha) It's a big party in our residence right now. Keep it up with those letters and make sure everyone knows that the Thackeray family loves their missionary the most. My team destroyed in kickball so that was good. Things are progressing with Spanish. Every lesson I am able to say more and more and sometimes I even surprise myself. One of the guys I was talking to at the vending machine knew where the State of Jefferson was, so that was cool. Hope ya'll have a good week.
Well, everything still going the same old same old. Keep it up on the Dear Elder. We are showing everybody up so that is good. Tandy sent me some cinnamon rolls from Dear Elder that were pretty good. Spanish is coming along fine, it's a lot of time in the class and sometimes I wish I could bang my head against the wall (ha ha) but other than that seems to be going pretty well. We got rained out last Saturday, so we didn't get to play kickball, but we are going to play today. Our zone leaders are leaving Monday. We are going to miss them, especially playing four square. (ha ha) I started playing four square again. I should have been trying to go to college for four square. Our district got to host new missionaries. I really don't know where some places are still, so me and this kid were just walking around the MTC looking for his residence. Today we got to sleep in, but the other elders in our zone locked themselves out of there room when they went to there shower so we had to go get a key from the front desk for them. I spoke on Sunday. You have to prepare a talk every week and then he will just tell you that you are speaking in Sacrament meeting. We are teaching four different investigators right now, which is hard because sometimes we have like no time to prepare but its going well for the most part. Also, at our devotional we got to listen to an apostle... Elder Renlund. Hope everything's going good.