Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week 45: Same ole' Same ole' here in Nicaragua!!!

Me and My Birthday Package
My Sweet New Shoes!

Hola! President flew out for a zone conference and they showed us a video by Jeffery R Holland called the Atonement of a Missionary. It talks about why missionary work isn't easier, why the only risk in the work isn't getting pneumonia from being in the baptism font all day and night. MISSIONARY WORK ISN'T EASY BECAUSE SALVATION IS NOT A CHEAP EXPERIENCE!!!! I really liked that because sometimes it's not all easy and we wonder why its not easier. Jesus asked if there was another way but there wasn't. He didn't do his will he did our Heavenly Fathers will. In that talk, it talks about that when we pass through the hard times are rejected, spit upon, cast out,all of these things... we are standing shoulder to shoulder with the greatest missionary that ever lived, Jesus Christ.  It makes me feel grateful because my mission is no where as hard as his, not even close. I get to leave after two years, but he had to die for our sins. His mission was the hardest ever and he was a perfect missionary. It always helps me when I feel like I'm going through hard times. I think of him and his sacrifice and I stop thinking it's hard, because in reality, it's not and that just helps me work that much harder.. Afterward, we had interviews and those went well. He also is doing some rearranging in the branch presidency cause we are having some problems with that, so that's good..

We had a good "following the spirit moment" again on Saturday. We were walking to an appointment and we passed one of our old investigators houses. I said, "Maybe, we should go by and visit him." But, my companion said, "Uuhhh I.D.K., because he's like super crazy and always has the wildest of questions." So, we were thinking probably not. But,  then I just felt we should really go, so we went. When we get there his sister was there. We only talked to her one time before, and she didn't say much. But, when we got there this time and she said to us, "Finally, you guys came!  We have been waiting for you to pass bye!!!!"  Lesson, always follow the spirit.

Anyway,  pretty good week!!! I always love hearing from you guys!!!! 

Thanks for the birthday package!!!!  My knife that dad lost so long ago is reborn haha!!!

Love yall

Elder Thackeray

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